COUNTRY Financial® DriverIQ FAQs

We've gathered answers to your most popular questions below.

Learn more about the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ Program.

COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ is a program that uses smartphone app technology to give you feedback on your driving and a safe driver discount. It will help you become a safer driver and receive up to a 25% discount on your car insurance when you participate.  

We want you to be safe behind the wheel. According to a 2022 study by Cambridge Mobile Telematics, within a month of using the app:

  • Drivers are 39% less distracted. 
  • Drivers have a 30% reduction in speeding. 
  • Drivers have a 50% reduction in hard braking. 

When you sign up to participate in the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ Program, you receive a 10%1 introductory discount on your car insurance. Based on your driving performance, your discount can shift from 1% up to 25% at each renewal. Safety and savings — that’s a win-win!

COUNTRY Financial auto clients are eligible to participate based on program availability in your state. Contact your local rep to see if you qualify.

No, all household members are not required to enroll. However, we encourage all rated drivers in the household to participate to maximize your safety and savings. Enrolled drivers may still receive a discount even if not all drivers in the household are enrolled. 

A rated driver is a driver listed on the auto insurance policy, and whose driving record is factored in when we determine the rate for your policy.


  1. Brad and Erica have two cars, and they are both listed as a rated driver on their auto policy. Brad and Erica can both enroll in COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ and get a 10% introductory discount on each rated vehicle. Brad and Erica would both need to download and set up the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ app and use it to record trips to maintain their discounts and have potential to save up to 25% per vehicle at renewal.
  2. Josh and Ashley have two cars, and they are both listed as rated drivers on their auto policy. Josh wants to participate in the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ program, but Ashley does not. Josh will receive a 10% introductory discount on the vehicle he is rated on. He will need to download and setup the app and use it to record trips to maintain the discount and have potential to save up to 25% on the vehicle he drives at renewal. Ashley will not receive the introductory discount, but she can talk to her local rep if she wishes to participate later.   

Participating drivers must:     

  • Have an active auto insurance policy with COUNTRY Financial.
  • Own and operate a smartphone that can download the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App.
  • Provide a valid email address and the mobile phone number for the smartphone the app will be installed on.
  • Download the app and complete setup and registration.
  • Keep the smartphone on while driving with the app enabled in the background.

To enroll, talk to your local COUNTRY Financial representative.

Once you are enrolled in the program, you will receive a text with a link to download the app. If you lose the welcome text before you download the app, no worries! You can also search “COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Download and install the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ app on your smartphone.
  2. Login with your mobile phone number.
  3. Enter the pin you received via text message.
  4. Accept the Terms & Conditions.
  5. Enter your email address.
  6. Read instructions and always allow driving location permission.  
  7. Read instructions and select to always allow location data permission.
  8. Read instructions and allow motion activity permission.
  9. Read instructions and allow notification permission.
  10. Drive safely!



Yes. As with any smartphone app, it uses your battery to operate. The effect is minimal but will vary based on your smartphone model and age. 

If something is not working correctly or you have questions, call 866-COUNTRY (866-268-2879) and we’ll be happy to assist you.

You need a smartphone compatible with the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ app to enroll in the program. Here are the minimum requirements for the app to work properly:

  • iOS
  • All iPhones with iOS 10.0 or higher 
  • Android
  • Android OS 4.4 (KitKat) or higher
  • Phone must be equipped with a gyroscope

To check your phone compatibility prior to enrolling into COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ, you can search the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for “COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ." Ineligible phones will receive the message “Your device isn’t compatible with this version.”

The COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App gathers data using your mobile device to measure driving quality based on:  

  • Phone usage while driving (including screen tapping, even if your phone is in a mount)
  • Braking
  • Speeding      

You can view your current COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ discount, projected discount at renewal and individual trip scores on the app dashboard. Our Family Sharing feature allows you to view trips of drivers in your household and their ranking within your family group. You also can earn achievement badges, compete on a leaderboard, and receive tips to improve your driving.

The fact your phone is on and active does not impact your discount. For the app to record a phone distraction event, you need to be actively handling your unlocked phone while the car is moving, and your home screen needs to be on. Screen tapping is a form of phone distraction, even if your phone is in a mount.

You can answer a call or respond to a text as long as it's hands-free and you do not touch your phone screen. Your discount will be impacted if you touch your screen while driving. 

Phone distractions are recorded when you actively handle your unlocked phone while the car is moving, and your home screen is on. The app monitors your phone distraction events (including screen tapping when your phone is in a mount) and they are factored into your discount.

Screen tapping also contributes to distracted driving. The app tracks any time you tap your screen while your car is moving, and it may have a negative impact on your COUNTRY Financial discount. Your app will not record a screen tap if your car is stopped. 

Yes, you can. 

Location Services phone permissions must be set to “Always Allow” for iOS and Android devices for the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App to wake up from the background and start recording trips. If Location Services permissions are not set to “Always Allow, your trips will not be recorded, putting your discount at risk of being removed.

IMPORTANT! Your phone will prompt you from time to time, asking if you want to continue allowing Location Services permissions of “Always Allow” for the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App. You cannot select the option of “While Using the App” for Location Services because the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App will not be able to wake up from the background to record your trips.

It’s important to remember to always select “Always Allow” when prompted!

The DriverIQ app does not track or monitor real-time location. The only time location data is displayed to the client in the “Trips” screen is after a trip has ended and been scored. Location data can only be reviewed by you in the "Trips" screen within the app.  COUNTRY does not have access to your real-time location data. However, the app will gather location data to monitor adherence to local speed limits. Location data also allows the app to show you a map of each trip so you can confirm the accuracy of the feedback you receive.  

Your phone’s location services are used when your app is not in use to detect when a trip begins. The app detects movement and a change in location, which then triggers the app to begin recording your driving data. 

No, the app works in the background and will automatically start collecting your data any time driving is detected. However, you need to ensure your phone’s location services are always enabled so the app can record your trips.

The app will learn your driving behaviors over time-based on your common routes and understand whether you fall under the “Driver” or “Passenger” trip classifications. You can review and update your trip classifications, like “Driver” or “Passenger” or other modes of transportation, such as “Bus,” to help the app assess your routines. You can update these classifications as part of confirming your trips for up to five days.

The app will not run if the phone is powered off.

COUNTRY Financial is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not collect sensitive personal information as part of this program, nor will we share your information with non-affiliated third parties. The data we do collect will be subject to the COUNTRY Financial Privacy Policy. More information is available in the Terms and Conditions contained within the app.

The app uploads about 500-600KB of data per hour of driving (equivalent to approximately one low-resolution photo). If you were to drive one hour per day for a month, it would equate to 18MB of data, which is a small fraction of a typical U.S. data plan.

The app displays your driving data in the "Trips" section. You can see each trip you’ve taken, risk events that impact your discount, and details on where you can improve your driving behavior. You can also press the “About Your Discount” tab to see performance results for each criterion for calculating your renewal discount.

You will receive a 10%1 introductory discount the first time you enroll in COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ. Once you download and enable the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App, your driving behavior will either increase or decrease that discount from 1% up to 25% at each renewal. 

If you enroll in the program and then become ineligible, you will lose your car insurance discount. You’ll become ineligible if either of the following criteria is met:

  • The COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App setup/registration is not completed and driving data is not received by COUNTRY Financial within 30 days of enrollment.
  • No driving data is received from the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ registered phone in a 30-day period.

You will have the opportunity to re-enroll in the program and will receive either a 5% re-enrollment discount or a performance based discount at the renewal after re-enrolling. The performance based discount will apply if driving data is received at least 45 days prior to renewal issuance. If less than 45 days, you will receive the 5% re-enrollment discount at renewal.

You can get a discount for each vehicle in the household if the rated operator is enrolled in COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ.


  1. Michael and Jessica have two cars, and they are both listed as rated drivers on their auto policy. Their son, Sam, doesn’t have a car, but he drives his parents’ cars occasionally. All three drivers can enroll in the program to monitor their driving behavior, but they can only receive one 10% introductory discount per vehicle. Their future discount per vehicle will be based on the driving behavior of Michael and Jessica since they are the primary rated drivers of their respective cars. If Sam is not a rated driver, his driving performance would not impact the discount. The discount follows the rated operator. If Sam eventually gets on his own policy and is actively enrolled, his performance based discount would apply to the vehicle he is rated on.
  2. Jeff and Michelle have three cars on their auto policy. Jeff is rated as the primary driver on one car and Michelle is the primary driver on the other car. If Jeff and Michelle both enroll in the program, they are eligible for a 10% introductory discount on the two vehicles they are rated as primary drivers of.  
  3. Beth has one car on her auto policy, and she is the rated driver. Her daughter, Lindsey, drives Beth’s car on occasion. Beth is not interested in enrolling in COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ herself, but she does want Lindsey to enroll so she can monitor her teen’s driving behavior. Lindsey can participate, but Beth will not receive a 10% introductory discount on the vehicle, since she is the rated driver and has chosen not to participate.

The COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App calculates your projected discount at renewal daily, so you may see this fluctuate based on your driving behavior. The projected discount display is likely to fluctuate right after you enroll in DriverIQ, and will become more consistent as more trips are driven.

If you do not open the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App on a regular basis, your phone will uninstall it with that feature enabled. If the app is uninstalled your trips can’t be recorded and your discount will be removed.

Your discount will be removed if you become inactive or uninstall the application from your smartphone. You’ll become an inactive driver if either of the following criteria is met:

  • The COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App setup/registration is not completed within 30 days of enrollment.
  • No driving data is received from the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ registered phone for a period of 30 days or longer.

In these situations, you will be removed from the program and lose the associated discount. You will be able to re-enroll in the program and receive a discount at your policy renewal following re-enrollment.

Discounts will be forfeited for the following reasons:

  • Cancellation, lapse, or non-renewal of your COUNTRY Financial auto insurance policy for any reason.
  • COUNTRY Financial discontinues the program for any reason.

The COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ App requires full access to battery resources to allow it to wake up from the background and record your trips. Any Battery Optimization settings for COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ must be set to “Unrestricted” to avoid trips not being recorded and your discount at risk of being removed.

On your phone, go to: Settings > Apps > DriverIQ > Battery > select “Unrestricted” 

Yes. If you ever need to change phones or reinstall the app, you can login under the Existing Users option. A PIN will be sent to the email address you provided during initial registration for you to activate the app on your new phone.

Report feedback in the COUNTRY Financial DriverIQ app under Settings > Feedback. You can also email us, and we'll respond as quickly as possible.  

COUNTRY Financial® is a family of affiliated companies (collectively, COUNTRY) located in Bloomington, IL. Learn more about who we are.

Auto insurance policies issued by COUNTRY Mutual Insurance Company®, COUNTRY Preferred Insurance Company® and COUNTRY Casualty Insurance Company®, Bloomington, IL. 

1 DriverIQ discount applies to the bodily injury, medical payments, property damage, comprehensive and collision portions of your payment. 
Discounts and availability vary by state.